What would it be like to live alongside one of the shapers of human events, in their youth, before they transformed history? In Fractured Land, we follow Caleb Behn, a young Dene warrior who may become one of this generation’s leaders – if he can discover how to overcome fractures within himself, his community, and the world around him.
Caleb’s passion comes with conflict. He is gentle, soft-spoken, yet adept with deadly weapons. He sports a Mohawk and tattoos, hunts moose, and wears a business suit. His father is a devout environmentalist and residential school survivor. His mother is a top executive for the oil and gas industry. His people are deeply divided. They are at the epicenter of some of the most destructive fracking operations on earth. How does Caleb balance their need for jobs with his sacred duty to defend their territory? He has arrived at a key moment in history, sees the contradictions, and wants to reconcile them.
Executive Producers: Charlotte Engel, Daniel Conrad, Mark Achbar
Producers: Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis/Two Island Films Ltd.
Directed by Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis
Produced in Association with documentary, Knowledge Network, APTN and Explora.
For more information, go to:
Fractured Land premiered at Hot Docs on April 28 . Keep an eye out for it at your local festivals and on documentary in the 2015-2016 season.